Comments from inside and outside WBYO

In February 2021, WBYO management launched a survey among the members of the orchestra. Below you find a selection of comments we collected and more following the "Answers" links.


Feel free to give us your thoughts about the project - whether from inside or outside of the orchestra. Use the form.

What do you think about the WBYO project?
What does it mean to you?


"This WBYO project ... sends a very important message across."

"... the possibility of having an orchestra where all youth is invited and encouraged to join would mean a channel for the creative energy to gather and make something of value for the whole region in the long run."

"I .. want the orchestra ... with our help start building an image and a name we can all be proud of." 

What is your vision of the future of the WBYO?


"My wishes are that the WBYO grows bigger day by day, so that it becomes recognised worldwide!"

"... expansion to a Symphony Orchestra whenever possible"

"... maybe some travel projects sending a message to the world."

"The very core idea of the WBYO is kind of revolutionary, so it is a great ground for a bright future..."

Do you have a wish or an idea for the further development of the WBYO project?


"Concert tours around Europe would be nice, we could represent the Western Balkans in the most beautiful Concert Halls."

"To play in real for real audience, because then we had a strong social-music message in this project."

Other issues/ideas you may have in the whole context of the WBYO - Playing the Future?


"I am looking forward to being part of this and meeting everyone live."

"I think something great is being kick-started and I cannot wait to see what it evolves into."

How do you experience the Corona situation and how does it affect your musical development and plans?


"This pandemic is the worst thing that I have ever experienced."

"I miss concerts a lot or better said I miss the times spent with my fellow musicians and the warmth of a concert hall full of audience, not to mention the sound of applause!"

"I find it as a good way to improve my music making and explore my instrument more."

"I try to find ways to perform sometimes even only for family, friends or students and often online".